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Samson Olatunji Saliu Till tomorrow... June 14, 2012
Words fail me. What can I say right now? Where do I start from? You'll forever be missed. Good night, Adekunbi!
Funmi Olukoya Too bad June 13, 2012

Hi Kunbi,

I have never met u before in ur life time but I saw your picture on the Guardian of Monday 11th June, 2012 and I fell in love with u at once, I searched for u on facebook and was more convinced that u must have been an angel.

Indeed death is an inevitable end, we all are going to die someday but then, once question I keep asking myself is why do people who has touched lives in so many wonderful ways die just like dat? Kunbi unfortunately I never saw u before but believe me, I am sad by the way u died, but thank God you are in a better place. Only God can and will comfort ur family.

Sleep on beloved in the bossom of your creator. RIP

Arinola Kunbi June 13, 2012
This is the longest nightmare I have ever had. I'm trying to accept this, I really am. But just when I've convinced myself its okay because you're somewhere better, the pain creeps up on me again. The times my mind is blank and there's nothing to distract me. Just before I sleep. Right after I wake up. On the tube. I passed Topshop the other day and it made me cry because I remembered how we loved their cardigans and always went there to check for stuff and for some reason almost always ordered Chinese after like we'd done some serious work lol. 

Everything hurts. Heartbreak is real. I need you to know you were loved. I wish I'd said it more often, not just on birthdays or when we moved out of our flats in Loughborough. I wish I'd come to Vapiano with you like you asked when you came over last month instead of complaining about all the essays I had to hand in. I keep remembering telling you 'don't worry, It's me and you in Lagos from December'. So many things, Kunbi. But I keep telling myself if your family can bear this, Ugonna, all these people who loved you so dearly, then so can I. 

I'll miss you so, my darling Kunbs. Miss. 'Arinola did you go to church today?'. I'll miss you just being there, being able to bbm you a random hug whenever I missed you. It's the last thing I ever sent you. Please know it was genuine. You are loved, always will be. You're with God now and I'm sure you couldn't be happier. I have to accept this, believe that its real. I have to let go. I feel like its selfish not to. But I won't forget. I couldn't if I tried. God, please keep her for us. Love you always, always. Rest in peace xxx
Nyasha Gazi May you Rest In Peace June 11, 2012

Hi Kunbi.. I met you in Loughborough. I found you to be a very kind-hearted and humble young lady with an infectious smile. I was, and still am, greatly saddened to hear of your passing. It was a pleasure having known you. You touched the lives of those you came in contact with and would have continued to touch more lives with your glorified presence. My prayers are with your family and friends. Only God can offer comfort in this time of loss. They can only learn to cope with the loss for only He knows why He chose to claim his angel. You are in a better place and we shall see you when we grace that beautiful land. I pray the Lord keep you under His wing up there in Heaven and keep the angels smiling. 

stella She is in a better place. June 9, 2012
Rest in peace dear. rest in the bossom of your maker and the lover of ur soul. may God comfort your family.
Motunrayo Short Friendship! June 9, 2012
I loved u from d first time i set my eyes on you Kunbi... It breaks my heart knowing i will never see u again... Im sad that our friendship was so short, but am glad i met u in my journey in life. your sway when u come into localgvt fr Cd i jst cnt help but smile n love u more. I admired u, u were cute,pretty,beautiful and had a good heart! You never looked down on anyone neither were you proud..
Im glad u knew the Lord n u were strong in ur faith cos dts our consolation.. ADEKUNBI REST IN PERFECT REST....
Words cant express my Love for you.. i ll jst av to stop crying, but am sure stopping to think about u everyday will be very difficult... Pls kip a space ryt beside you for me in heaven... Till we meet to part nomore...
sojuade adebiyi rest in everlasting peace June 8, 2012
kunbi... where do i start, i do not even know where to start from. i dont think ive experienced such a heartbreak of a death like yours, everytime someone says sorry or mentions your name, it brings me to tears to know that such a young beautiful educated girl left us so suddenly. But someone told me to smile, smile that you were a part of my life, smile that i knew you, that i got to say you are my family, smile for the wonderful life you have lived, smile for the legacy that you have left behind. when i think about what that person told me i smile even though it brings tears to my eyes. there are so many  memories you have left behind and forever they will be in my heart. like dedun said i remember when you and tuts would come and visit us in delaware, man we had so much fun. i remember when we had church and we would sing songs like kabiyesi ohh eshe ohh!!! and remember i would be the pastor, remember you taught me how to say ninu iwe ezekieli ori ketala, olorun so wipe... at the time we were full of laughter, but if i look now it probably doesnt say that. you taught us nigerian slang like "cross me back" LOL, and we asked what that meant nd famz! and kunbi you would always tell me " soju stop mizing". and remember you always tell tutu to stop putting ice in her milk. and remember we were scared to ask pastor to drop us off at franklin mills, that day!!! was too funny, we were all supposed to get our ears pierced and you backed out, thought it would hurt. and remember my dad would call you all the way from upstairs " kunbi!!!!" then you would be like uncle you scared me and we would all talk about life. we have so many memories together like when we would go to uncles house in philly, you would always want us to come with you to give you company. oh and i remember the times you would tell us stories about grandma and how much we missed her, well kunbi you are with her now. the legacy you have left behind will never fade away, you touched so many peoples lives, even people you did not know, your destiny was fullfilled and all i can do is give thanks to the ALMIGHTY FOR GIVING ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET SUCH AN ANGEL LIKE YOU. THOUGH THE ADEBIYI FAMILY IS IN PAIN, we can smile knowing that you lived a life that is acceptable unto the LORD. i will forever love and cherish you, for you inspired me to be a better me. till we meet again at JESUS' FEET. SUN RE ADEKUNBI ADEBIYI.  
Esther Abimbola Alade Beautiful inside and out June 8, 2012

I still can’t believe that you have gone! Your sister my cousin Bukky welcomed me into your home during the Fuel Subsidy strike whilst I was Nigeria. You looked really young for your age but yet so mature in your behaviour. You showed me kindness, kept me entertained with your funny stories.
I will never forget your beautiful smile. I pray that almighty God strengthen your family during this difficult time.
We will never forget you Kunbi. May your beautiful soul rest in peace. Amen!

Tobi R.I.P June 8, 2012
I never knew you Kunbi, but I've heard the most amazing things about you.
Only God knows why he took you so soon but we believe you are at his right hand side singing his praises.
Sun re.
Doyin Kunbi Pele June 8, 2012
Kunbi, I am so bitterly grieved by your sudden departure. I watched how you changed over the years to this beautiful and friendly babe Ugonna and everyone had come to love. I remember when you first preached in fellowship; it was about pride and it was such a practical message. I remember how we got on each other's nerves sometimes during activities in fellowship.

Oh Kunbi, I used to get so upset and I told myself I am going to love Kunbi. So every morning when I prayed I confess 'I love Kunbi Adebiyi'. You took the bigger step and handled things so maturely and we began to communicate via email when you had challenging course works. I wish had spent more time with you. I wish had been that sister and friend I could have been.

OMG Kunbi! I still can't believe you are gone. I keep telling myself that you will be found alive even if it's only you. Now, all I can imagine is how scared and brave you must have been in the face of death. How you will run up to the lord and embrace Him...Kunbi pele...Kunbi pele.
Alicia Adebiyi Auntie June 7, 2012
You really brighten up my summers, I was always excited about you and tutu arrival year after year. Each summer I saw your growth and maturity. I can not find any words to say to Tutu, your Dad and Mom. My fondest times with you was the day we went shopping and you found a crown to go on your head for your prom, the other was last summer when we were in Delaware all in the master bedroom laughing and talking about each of our personalities.
Love and miss you Auntie Alicia Adebiyi USA
Godwin Onuoha Instructor June 7, 2012
The world lost a beauty and sweet memories
Ade RIP June 7, 2012
I dont know you but hearing the news and seeing the picture of all involved brings tears to my face. You are such a beautiful girl and i pray God of heaven will guide and comfort ur family and loved ones...Rest in peace.......
ada RIP K June 7, 2012
My heart is filled with burning tears.. i dont know where to start from bcus i barely know you.. but i believe deep down in my soul that your in a better place.. i saw ur pic on a good friends dp. i sat down with tears rolling down my eyes asking God why someone so pure and full of life will die so young.. but i wiped off the tears bcus sometimes its an inapporiate response to death, especially when a life has bin lived completely honsetly or just completely, the correct response to deaths perfect puncation mark is a smile, bcus i knw where eva u are ur in a happy place smiling in the midst of angels.. ADIEU darling Kunbi
Till we meet to part no more xxxx 
Maryam An Angel June 7, 2012
Didnt get to meet you but now i Know God keeps his special Angels here wit us only for a certain time. You are now home. please watch over us till we meet again. Your finally can now rest. may God almighty comfort your will truly be missed. Rest in
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