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esosa R.I.P June 7, 2012
I don't know kumbi at all,i just came across this on facebook.i just pray that her soul may rest in gentle peace and may God almighty console her family,friends and loved ones she left behind.Amen.
Ademidun Adebiyi Adekunbi Sweet Memories June 7, 2012
Dear kubi,

           Remember the first time we kunbi; it was Disney Land. It was the first time we have every met as cousins. We clicked esaily even dispite the our age. From there every year u and tutu come visit us in Delware. You would come to my room and we would talk about everything and anything under the sun until we were sleep talking lol.... We would wake up the next day and wake up the rest and prepare a big breakfast for 8 people. You can imagine how the kitchen looked like afterwards. We would fight over who would cook what; or fight over who would get the last bisquit. The days when we would have church in the house just because we felt like praising him; with songs and scriptures. Remeber the time we went to franklin mills mall cause we could not stand being coped up in the house anymore. That day was sooooooo fun. We got are ears pierced well me, tutu, and soju did lol... I remebered when u said that u admired how me and soju had jobs; i just smiled. You would wait for me when i got back from work so we could gist about life, future or what happened when i was at work. And when it was time for u to go back to london we would cry , and u would say: Kunbi: " This is not goodbye. See u again soon". You always knew what to say in ever situation; especailly with the twins. You and those girls were like glue. They also told me to tell u that they want to be just like u kunbi. I could go on and on about the memories we shared; they will always e treasured. I can see ur purpose in life was fufilled. You touched the life of countless people, which some christians have not touched one. You had a smile that could light the whole world. There is something about that smile , words could not express. People who did not know u or u did not know spoke of ur carisma and cheerful ways. You left a leagcy and and stamp on this world Kunbi.  I pray that the God will comfort ur mom and dad and the entire Adebiyi family as well as ur friends and love ones. I thank the almighty father for life and the gift u had. I know u are in heaven wacthing down smiling on us. Promise me will save me a spot in the choir right next to u... And don't worry i will take care of tutu . Till meet again Adekunbi Irene Adebiyi aka KIA. Love u dearly my sweet. Rest in everlasting peace

                                                                                                 Dedun Irene Adebiyi
Jemilu k Plane Dana Air June 7, 2012
just a few days ago you sat next to me on the plane, how we made fun of the air hostess and the pilot's speech, we had fun generally complaining about everything that day, from the delayed flight, to how badly we were treated in regards to the airline service.  on arrival how quicly we walked out of the plane to get a breather.  little did i know that would be the last time i would see you. I miss you dear friend.
Ade RIP June 7, 2012
Rest in peace Kunbi. May God bring comfort to your family and loved ones.
A O KUNBI THE BEST!! June 7, 2012
I saw two rainbows in the sky yday evening after your rememberence service on campus and felt an inner peace w/i. 
There's no doubt in my mind that you're in a better plc... 

I hate the way you breaks my heart to think of how painful your last few moments on Earth were...
Guess that doesn't matter anymore...I won't mourn you like an unbeliever bcos you were so strong in your faith

You gave us hope while you among us and even now in your absence: the joyful memories we shared, the hope I have that we will meet again someday...

I'm so glad I got the oppurtunity to tell you how much I admire you at your 21st bday dinner...or it would eat me up inside today.
<3 Wish I could you have hugged you just a little longer....messaged you a little more....played more games :), shared more sunday dinners. 

Miss Adebiyi it was a pleasure knowing you.
You'll be in my heart forever Kunbs...

Love you Longtime!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Aderinsola Alli Rest in Peace June 6, 2012
I came across your page through facebook.. I dont know you at all
she has gone to a better place
Oyeyemi RIP June 6, 2012
Met you in Loughborough, you were always so sweet with a big smile on your face. My last memory of you
is at Jumokes birthday! I pray you rest in perfect peace with the Lord in heaven and that God guides and
protects all your loved ones and gives them strength! xxxxxxxxx
gbemi rip babes June 6, 2012
im sorry you had to go the way you did... i pray your family finds closure... i pray i do... Rest in peace pretty.. the smiles you brought to the hearts of those you met will be the strength needed to get past this
Bukky R.I.P Angels are rejoicing. You are home June 6, 2012
  I have never met you. But i know that life is a journey that crosses our paths with strangers ever so often. Sometimes these meetings are joyous, sometimes they are not. But i pray God grants you eternal rest. I pray he comforts your family, friends, and loved ones. That they take comfort knowing that you are amongst the angels singing halleluyah and resting in the bossom of the lord, looking down smiling.


Damilola Onabiyi Goodbye Kunbi June 6, 2012
Kunbiii! remember the first time I met you was at weekend away, when we were in the same group. we didn't become friends then but still remember how lively you were. When we did become friends, I was grateful. I remember hanging out with you, kate and the guys. you always brought up interesting topics to gist/argue about. I remember you always wanted to play one game or the other. More vividly I remember our trip to ghana and how kind you were to the kids there. How you brought a whole suitcase of clothes to give away n you pallied up with the class teacher and gave the class money and promised to keep sending even after goin back to naij.

 I remember how you didn't want to shower in the hostel and you how you had to find a hotel in the town. I remember all the things we talked about in our hotel room in accra with folusho. And its unreal to think you are no longer here.  you were kind to others and to yourself. I remember your 21st like it was yesterday. I'm glad ur friends and family got to celebrate you in a grand way before you left us. I remember just last week thinking of you and how I hadn't seen you in a while.I wish had just picked up the phone and called right there n then.

My heart goes out to all your family, friends, lofbro fam, Ugonna. I pray God will comfort them with the knowledge that you are now with Him and that yours was a life short but well lived.
Byee kunbi. Your memories will remain with us. Rest in Peace. 
Uche You were an Angel June 6, 2012
with so much Life in you eyes..... Forever smiling..... First time i saw tots were...she is sooo petite n cutee.....
You my dear was a special one.... thou i didn't know you outside work but one had to simply have an encounter with to realise how special you are.

My heart goes out to your family......... You will be missed.

Rest in the Lord....
Morenike Sweet Memories June 5, 2012
I remember when I first met you, you were a very warm and sweet person. As we got to know eachother more, I realized you were also interesting. We had fun times when we both still lived in Nigeria. Christmas holidays at your house, hanging out, and even doing "eke" when we are not supposed to. I remember New Year's day at your grandmother's house, and eventually your house. Even after we went our separate ways because of school, I was always certain that Christmas would come every year and we would see again.Now I am not even sure I am looking forward to Christmas holidays in Nigeria this year, you would not be there. 

I will miss you soooooooooo much. RIP dear. All my love.

Pemi Nottingham June 5, 2012
I remember the taxi ride in Nottingham and I remember thinking "gosh, this chic is funny"...been tryna remember what you, Dammy, Vera and the others were joking about and sadly I can't but at least my last memory of you has you laughing so hard. Praying for your family, boyfriend and friends. RIP Kunbi.
Tega Sowho R.I.P Sweets. Always be in my heart. <3 June 5, 2012
The first day I met Kunbi, I knew I met a QUEEN.
I will miss you my darling, until we meet again you will always be in my heart.
Love you always. 
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